Insomnia or sleepless is mostly defined by an individual's report of sleeping difficulties. People have stresses, even students have stresses from high expectations of others. AS the result, we get insomnia, exhausted and depressed. People who suffer insomnia are less productive than people who have 8 hours sleep every night. Those employees drag themselves to work, although they are physically at work, their minds are still sleeping. A research shows that insomnia costs U.S. $63 billion annually in lost productivity. So insomnia is one of the important factor of why employees can not meet their max efficiency at work. Most people don't see insomnia as a kind of illness, but those people might need some medical help. Have a good night sleep, everything might seem different the next morning. Just like we can work harder, more efficiency , and more productive. Sleep is not only important to work but also important to ourselves.
What type of economic systems do you see inefficiency like this prevalent?
I defiantly understand when they say “people drag themselves to work,
although they are physically at work their brains are not there.” Some
nights when I don’t get enough sleep for school I can’t get myself to
wake up. The whole day I am tired and just want to sleep. I do think
-megan reynolds
Insomnia is a huge problem, clearly because we are losing $63 billion
annually in productivity. It is such an easy thing to be fixed by
getting more sleep at night. Maybe some people do need medical help or
ways to help them sleep. If some people have a huge problem with
sleeping I think they should defiantly get checked out by a doctor.
I defiantly understand when they say “people drag themselves to work,
although they are physically at work their brains are not there.” Some
nights when I don’t get enough sleep for school I can’t get myself to
wake up. The whole day I am tired and just want to sleep. I do think
Insomnia is a huge problem, clearly because we are losing $63 billion
annually in productivity. It is such an easy thing to be fixed by
getting more sleep at night. Maybe some people do need medical help or
ways to help them sleep. If some people have a huge problem with
sleeping I think they should defiantly get checked out by a doctor.
-megan reynolds
I defiantly see this happening through the day between my peers and others. Insomnia is something serious and looks very difficult to deal with. A friend of mine deals with it and you can tell by the way she acts how hard it is sometimes for her. Obviously it is hurting us as a whole because the U.S. is losing 63 billion annually do to insomnia. I think that if a person is struggling with insomnia that they should go see a doctor and try to get medication or help on how to overcome it.
-Colton U
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