As we all know, Texas Ranger fever is at an all time high due to the local team being in the World Series. This brings out-of-towners in to support their team, which leads to increased activity in the host city. Along with headaches, like increased population and traffic, it appears that the temporary inconveniences are a necessary evil in order to reap economic benefits. The economic windfall is not limited to baseball, but the effect is felt throughout the sports world whenever you have a team that commands national, if not worldwide, attention. At times, the cost of supporting the team by providing first class facilities falls on the city’s population, as has been the case in Arlington. Arlington has contributed to the building of both The Ballpark and the new Cowboy stadium in the form of an additional sales tax percentage, but the city has seen an increase in consumer spending. A recent tourism study shows that visitor spending continues to rise in Arlington in spite of the current national economic climate. The rest of the nation has not been as fortunate. The Ranger’s current success and the high profile Dallas Cowboys have put the city in the national spotlight. The city’s revenues have continued to climb, and Arlington is in an enviable position of having a budget surplus when other cities are struggling. Visitors sent approximately $593 million in the city last year, sales tax revenue jumped 34% in a five year time span, and tourism is the only industry seeing job growth. For a city that was lagging behind economically only ten years ago, the future seems to be much brighter. Being seen as a major player when it comes to financial capabilities only encourages more development and thus a promise of economic stability. And, while other cities may not have enjoyed the revitalization, it is clear that Arlington has benefited greatly from having such great sport venues within its city limits.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Senior Citizens

I'm sure you have seen grandmas and grandpas work at Wal-mart, but why don't they relax at home? After working 40,50 years who doesn't want to enjoy the life with the money he or she owns? But since everything is getting more and more expensive, people just have to work longer to live. And those baby boomers ,who were born between 1946 and 1964, are now officially senior citizens. What will government do with them?Will the government give them enough medicare and insurance?
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Gluten free world.

Gluten: a protein found in wheat that makes its grains bigger, and faster to grow, cheap and cruddy as the government has always done it. At first, the gluten protein was a genetic idea that people thought would change how fast we could produce primarily wheat and dairy items...and it did work, however after a while, the disease we know today as "Celiac disease" was born.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Gadhafi's death and the price of gas
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What Has Technology Done to Us?
Are we, as a nation, contributing to the jobless crisis by wanting more and more convenience? In the quest for instant service, technology is becoming an essential part of our lives. We don’t want to stand in line at the grocery store, the bank, the gas station or just about anywhere else. We have lost the customer service attitude of the older generation because we are willing to do everything ourselves in order to get it done quickly. In response, the internet and technological improvements have made applications available for our use. We can now book our own trips, including airline and hotel, online without the use of a travel agent. There goes a few travel agent jobs! We have self checkout lines available in most grocery stores. There goes a few grocery store jobs! We can do all our banking, shopping, etc. online without actually having to step into a “bricks and mortar” location. How many jobs are lost in those industries? As the article states, in the past there was the need for actual workers to run and maintain “technology” from that era. Now, with tremendous advances in technology that does not require “manned” attention, the demand for workers is in decline. The global impact of the internet, smart phones, and wireless technology allows companies to service an increasing customer base, without having to boost employment. Research shows that retailers worldwide spend more capital on technology, and thus are able to reduce their workforce further. Technology has outpaced the need for workers and the jobless recovery will be slowed down. So, since technology reduces the number of workers needed to produce the same quantities of goods and services, the economy must grow at an even greater rate in order to create new jobs. And, with the economic slump the U.S. is currently experiencing, the outlook on reducing the jobless rate looks gloomy.
Are You Wearing Converse Today?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Vouchers and Taxes

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Jobs Bill
Considering all the very public battles in the press between conservatives and liberals, it is no surprise that the President’s proposed jobs bill did not pass the Senate vote. It failed to garner the required majority of 60 votes to move forward on the measure. A major component of the bill that was not supported by both parties was the provision to extend unemployment benefits for the nation’s unemployed masses, some of whom have been without work for as long as 40.5 weeks. The provision would have extended unemployment benefits for an additional year, with the average person being able to collect a total of 99 weeks split between state and federal level. But now with the failed measure comes the reality that more than 6 million Americans are going to lose their benefit in 2012. Proponents of the extension argue that cutting the benefit will have a negative impact on the economy, since those collecting the funds are usually the ones that spend the money immediately. With no money coming to the jobless, the unemployment funds will be removed from the domestic economy. Opponents, on the other hand, argue that continually extending unemployment benefits discourages the jobless from actively seeking gainful employment and choosing to remain on the government “payroll”. The local thought is that while the President’s bill failed as a whole, the unemployment benefit extension may be submitted for passage as a separate measure. That would reduce the cost from the $447 billion price tag of the entire bill to a more palatable one of “only” $44 billion. Perhaps if the bill includes major provisions for actually getting the jobless back to work, then both parties would agree. I would think that the view of the situation depends on which side of the fence you are on…are you gainfully employed or are you relying on the unemployment check to pay your bills? I am sure that there are jobs available to some that choose to draw unemployment. As always, in my opinion, programs that are intended to provide help to those who need temporary assistance can and are abused. And, while the nation’s businesses continue to deal with the current economic and political climate, unemployment may continue at our current rate of 9.1%.
How Many More Jobs Do We Need?

Economy adds 103000 jobs, but it's not enough. High unemployment percentage is one of the biggest problems in our economy now, and economy keeps adding new jobs for people, but the percentage just won't go down. Having people spend money in economy will help the everything, so why can't we just ask people spend money on instead of saving? Because most of the people spend all their money on their children's school tuition , transportation ,and housing bills, and people are already really stressed about how much bills they need to pay. College tuition is higher and higher each year, where can we get money if we don't save the money? The gas is inelastic demand, people need it everyday,if we don't save money how can we pay for gases? We also have houses, we need to pay for the water, electric, insurance bills ,if we don't save money how are we going to live in the houses?It's not easy to let people spend money when they have to face all those problems. Just adding new jobs for unemployment isn't enough because the population is growing really fast.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The war of cars.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Iphone4s
Before his passing, the much anticipated "IPhone4s" was unveiled. The new IPhone was already going to be a success, but the death of its creator spiked its demand.
It is expected that the lines for the IPhone4s will be long, now the lines are expected to be even longer. After the passing of Michael Jackson his albums and songs became a gold mine for fans that wanted to buy tokens of appreciation/remembrance of the pop king. Now the same can be said for Steve Jobs. Its anticipated that fans will pack the Apple stores to be the first to have an IPhone4s. This prediction means that there will be an increase of demand for the new IPhone. This doesn't necessarily mean the price will increase but this could effect other brands of phones such as androids. Not only is the IPhone4s going to be highly demanded but is going to be available for different networks, like AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. Branching out to other notworks means that the number of consumers will increase. Being available for different networks means that other phone brands will probably have a sudden decrease after October 14.
Steve Jobs revolutionized the world of technology and opened doors that were once un-thought of by mind. He has outranked other companies for years but yet he always stayed ahead of the competition. Steve Jobs will be greatly missed and yet he is still present with Apple. Apple will continue to take over the world and change the world as we now it.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wasted Time!
Chinese food for American!

You can find an Asian restaurant everywhere you go. But do you think the Chinese dishes here are the same Chinese dishes in China? NO,not really! Because restaurants have to think about what people can eat, how would they like to try the different without being scared. Different countries can have a lot in difference. Its just like KFC,McDonal's, or Pizza Hut is so much different in China, they are American food,but they more like Asian American food,so everyone can try. Consumers can have influenced economy greatly, giving what consumers want can increase the demand for good and services. We know how important consumers are for our economy. Satisfying consumers is what the companies want to be successful. So before opening a store, knowing what the consumers want is important.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Where's my car?