Gluten: a protein found in wheat that makes its grains bigger, and faster to grow, cheap and cruddy as the government has always done it. At first, the gluten protein was a genetic idea that people thought would change how fast we could produce primarily wheat and dairy items...and it did work, however after a while, the disease we know today as "Celiac disease" was born.
It started off as a minor and rare disease that no one really cared about or worried about, today 1 in 1000 people have the disease and every generation gets a higher ratio of people infected with it. What it does is that the "hairs" in your gut that get the major nutrients for your body from food, are supposed to be up and going everywhere to get the stuff needed to fulfill your bodies needs. If you are diagnosed with Celiac disease, your "hairs" are flat because of cross-fire between gluten and your immune system.
The solution: go gluten free, however the times we live in do not accept the transition from a bacon-cheese fries to an all natural, un-touched fruit salad. However as more people get infected, the food stores turn to healthier( and yet still tastier solutions. The hard part is when people figure out how bad this is in the long run, ( shorter life, increased cancer chances, long-term health problems,immune system failure.) We will end up wanting the food industry to throw away gluten and stick to natural growth, even tho it will have to include a period of very high food prices. I am personally diagnosed with it and i do agree if everyone ate what I normally eat, allot of health problems would be solved and taken care of.
Do you think the government will step in to help out this dilemma? If so, I think prices would spike in the short run but flatten out over time. Do you think the prices of just gluten free products would spike?
I do agree that food would take a major spike, focusing on wheat and dairy products sence we are cutting down gluten filled wheat and producing whole natural wheat instead, I would say its a good 1 month process at least. The farmers market would have no problem making the transfer if there was enough proof to back up the request, the government would see this however as a bunch of profit lost and would have to put a price ceiling on the primary producers of gluten free food.
Celiac disease is definitely affecting more and more people as the years go on and I see the difficulties of that lifestyle through one of my good friends who has it. One has to be hyper-sensitive to what they eat because many public places like restaurants are sill unaware of Celiac. Hopefully the government will intervene in the farming process and see the benefits of increasing the quality of inelastic goods. The producers of goods like food need to be more aware of different dietary habits because they are growing more common for health reasons (vegans, vegetarians, etc). Of course the higher quality of food will also mean more labor, and thus increasing the price, but I agree with what Smith said: that the government would put a price ceiling on the higher quality food.
-Parish Episcopal Gov&Econ
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